Parenting Children with Autism

Orange County, CA

Therapy for Mothers of Children with Autism.

Orange County, CA.

Your life changed when you learned that your child has autism. You now worry about things that others don’t. Planning a family outing is an ordeal, and even though your child has made progress, the possibility of a tantrum makes you so anxious that you can barely enjoy any gains your kid has made.

Parenthood Is Overshadowing Your Relationship

Every interaction with your partner is about your child. You cannot remember the last time you felt like yourself. The burnout becomes more real every day and lately, you noticed that you have been crying more because of feelings of loneliness and overwhelm.

Your Friends Don't Get It

Your friends are empathetic and support you, but you cannot connect with them in the same way. You find yourself thinking that there’s not much you can share with others besides what dieting, OT, Speech, and Behavior therapy could do for a child with special needs.

You Always Feel Exhausted and Guilty

You feel relieved when your child is at school or working with the in-home therapist, yet you cannot stop feeling guilty for craving a break from your child.

Hi, I'm Gisela Vega a Therapist in Orange County, CA 

I am a clinical psychologist who has worked for over 10-years with children with Autism in different settings. I am committed to helping parents of children with Autism to create a sustainable and joyful life. 

You Are Needed

I work with my clients to harvest self-care so they can adequately care for those they love. My therapeutic style is gentle, kind, and compassionate. I meet my clients weekly to work towards living a life that aligns with their values.

Therapy Can Help

Many parents want to work with me because of my experience with special needs children, my ability to appreciate the humor and uniqueness of having a child with autism, and my commitment to physical and emotional wellbeing.

Let’s Begin Together

I want to support and help you make room for yourself and be part of your journey towards reclaiming your life. Walk this path with me.

Click here to schedule your free 15- minute phone consultation for Therapy for Mothers of Autistic Children in Orange County, CA. My other specialty includes Women with Anxiety.

No more waiting,

It is time to call and get help.